Ashley's Blog

The blog of Ashley M. Wilcox

I am a Quaker minister and a lawyer, originally from Anchorage and currently living in Greensboro. I share a house with my partner Troy. In addition to reading and writing, I enjoy a good laugh, yoga, and singing.

To learn more about me, click here.


A Blessing

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual, and queer people,
You are beloved children of God

Women, men, transgender, intersex, and non-binary people,
You are beloved children of God

People of color,
Your lives matter and you are beloved children of God

Immigrants, both documented and undocumented,
You are beloved children of God

People with disabilities,
You are beloved children of God

Those who are working for justice and those who are working to make ends meet,
You are beloved children of God

Despite the voices questioning your value,
You are beloved children of God

Whoever you are, wherever you are,
You are beloved children of God
